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Hebrew Script
Hebrew Script
Lions Gate
Lions Gate
The Man from Galilee and Easter Week
Join me as I explore the history and archaeology of Easter Week using the Gospels from Matthew, Mark, Luke and John disciples of Jesus.
Starting with the Upper Room we travel along the route Jesus took that Easter - Passover week. Following the Gospels and other writings looking at the archaeology and interviewing Roddy Har'el of CMJ at Christ Church in the Armenian Quarter of Jerusalem.

Last Meal


John 13:1
He knew before the Feast of Passover
Luke 22:19
Then having taken bread
John 13:30
Judas leaves, it was night
John 18:12
And led him to Annas first
Luke 22:54
And brought him to the High Priest Caiaphas
Syrian Teachings of the Apostles
3rd Century
When we had eaten the Passover on Tueday evening
Bishop Epipihanius 380AD
that is on Tuesday in the evening



Luke 22:66
Then as it became daylight
Mark 15:1
As soon as morning came
John 18:28
to the praetorium, it was early
Luke 23:1
They led him to Pilate
Luke 23:7
He sent to Herod
Luke 23:13
And Pilate having summoned the high priests
John 19:14
It was about the sixth hour
Syrian Teachings of the Apostles 3rd Century
On Wednesday he remained imprisoned



Mark 15:25
And when it was the third hour they crucified Him
Mark 15:33
And when it was the sixth hour
Mark 15:34
And at the ninth hour
Luke 23:44
And it was about the sixth hour - until the ninth hour
Babylonian Talmud
On the eve of Passover Jesus was hanged (crucified)
John 19:31
Would not remain on the cross on the Sabbath
John 19:42
Joseph of Arimathea buries Jesus. Its still the day of preperation

Passover Sabbath


Mathew 28:1
And after the Sabbaths on the First of the week at dawn

Weekly Sabbath


Mathew 28:1
And after the Sabbaths on the First of the week at dawn



John 20:1
And on the first day of
the week
Luke 24:1
And on the first day of
the week
Mark 16:2
And very early in the
morning on the first day
of the week

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Tel 01452 618619
New Day
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